Price Increase With Multiple Coins Logic
Last updated November 4, 2024
FAQ: Price Increase With Multiple Coins Logic
When using price increase by x% with multiple assets, the snapshot of coins are taken at the start of the rule and updated once the rule's conditions are met by one of the selected coins:
Example 1
- Rule starts at 8pm and conditions are evaluated
- Current live price snapshot of referenced coins (ADADOWN, ADA, ACM) is taken
- ADA Price was 0.3 USD then price increased by 1%.
- ADA has met the conditions in Action 1 set above in the screenshot
- The rule buys ADA
- Once the rule buys ADA we update the snapshot for all the coins (ADADOWN, ADA & ACM)
- The rule continues to evaluate the conditions using the updated snapshot of the coins
- CurrentLivePrice snapshot is taken at the beginning of every cycle
- Rule start -> Snapshot taken
- Position open + close -> Snapshot taken
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