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What does "Gas" mean in Multiswap?

Last updated January 7, 2025

FAQ: What does "Gas" mean in Multiswap?

Gas refers to the transaction fee required to execute operations on a blockchain network. Gas in the Multiswap summary refers to the total fee paid to execute all the swaps or operations in the batch.

For example: "Gas: $9.26" means you paid $9.26 in transaction fees to complete the Multiswap.

This represents the overall cost of the Multiswap transaction.

FAQ: What does "Saved" mean in Multiswap Gas Fees?

The Saved value refers to the amount of money you saved by batching multiple swaps into a single transaction instead of performing them individually.

For example: "Saved: $1.36" means you saved $1.36 on gas fees by consolidating multiple trades into a single transaction using our Multiswap feature.

This highlights the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of batching trades.

FAQ: What does the "Time" mean in Multiswap?

The Time refers to how long it took for the entire transaction to be processed and confirmed on the blockchain.

For example: "1:02 minutes" means the Multiswap transaction took 1 minute and 2 seconds to complete.

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